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Lesson Plan 8- Musical Instruments From Around the World Age: 3-5 years. Lucy sent me a great link for lesson plans for world music. Number of children: Group 2-8 children. They will be responsible for finding a piece of music that represents their personal culture or nationality, playing that piece for the class, and explaining the musical genre. Here’s what she wrote: Lisa, Your fabulous website has been an invaluable resource for me this year, as friends and I have been running weekly ’round the world’ school workshops in music, drama and art. Lesson duration: 30 minutes. Each unit starts with a Meet the Artist video that introduces students to professional musicians from different cultures. Fourth and Fifth graders will recognize that different cultures have different types of music. Offers instructional tips: Lesson plans are designed to help you map out your world music and art lessons while providing instructional tips you can use to get the best use of your class time. The study of the influence of teaching styles and lesson materials on student learning of teaching world music and cultures in the music classroom. Videos and Lesson Plans “The videos are well done, and the artists have beautiful voices, instruments, and personalities.” —Katie Kaddatz, teacher, Cedar Falls, IA. Location: Indoor activity. This project will show that the best method for teaching world music is to intertwine world music with the elementary music curriculum rather than stand-alone units on a specific culture or music. This Music Around the World Lesson Plan is suitable for 4th - 5th Grade.

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