Fluoride Metabolism. Articles related to health are for general information purpose only. Systemic fluoride is usually ingested and incorporated into forming tooth structures during the developmental stages. The small intestine also contributes to fluoride absorption in a pH-independent mechanism. 2013 Mar; 121(3): a70. Now that you are familiar with the two forms of fluoride let us look at some of the differences between them –. It is more concentrated than self-applied and systemic fluoride and is very effective in fighting decay. Today, the overwhelming consensus by dental researchers is that fluoride's primary effect is topical, not systemic, and that this topical effect occurs after the teeth have erupted into the mouth (i.e., post-eruptive), not before. 2011; 22: 81-96. It is important to understand fluoride metabolism. Retrieved from, Buzalaf MA, and Whitford GM. Retrieved from, Siamak Sabour and Zahra Ghorbani. Enamel fluorosis and primary dentin fluorosis can only occur when teeth are forming. Clinically, fluoride can be delivered both topically and systemically. Usually, the optimal level of fluoride in community water supply must be within 0.7 – 1.2 parts per million. Whether administered systemically or topically, the use of fluoride has proven to be effective in reducing the prevalence of dental caries. The severity of fluorosis is directly related to the dose, time, and duration of exposure.8,9. Professional fluoride treatments require a great deal of patient co-operation and compliance, which is not the case in systemic fluoride supply. Topical fluoride, as the name suggests, is used in direct contact with the tooth surface. In developed countries, the reduction of dental caries caused by salt fluoridation is parallel to that of water fluoridation. Antropol. To find out more, read our privacy policy. Topical fluoride can be delivered in the form of self-applied toothpaste, gel, or mouth rinse. Environ Health Perspect. At-home fluoride kits come in the form of a gel and tray system. Am J Public Health 2014 Jul; 104(7): 1327-33. This compound selectively acts on the hard tissues of the body, such as the bones and teeth. A dentist or a dental hygienist usually performs fluoride treatments. In this treatment, a concentrated form of fluoride is usually painted or coated on the tooth surface by a dentist or a dental hygienist. Development Fluoride Neurotoxocity: Clinical Importance versus Statistical Significance. Develeopmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Parents’ attitudes towards topical fluoride and vaccines for children: Are these distinct or overlapping phenomena? Fluoride incorporated throughout unerupted tooth development (pure systemic) Fully developed, but unerupted tooth bathed in fluoride for months before eruption (topical) Fluoride released into salivary and crevicular fluids to affect erupted teeth (topical) 2 Systemic vs… 2011; 22:20-36. VIDEO: Why do you prefer ultrasonic scaling over hand scaling? However, when present in saliva, it can topically assist in the protection of tooth enamel. Systemic fluoride compounds are supplied through a process of fluoridation in water, milk, or salt. The formulation is placed in contact with the teeth for at least four to five minutes. Keeping the optimal level constant in the community and water supply, fluoride is said to reduce the risk of caries by 40-70% in children and 20-40% in adults. J Public Health Dent. Another common concern I hear from patients is the fear of fluorosis. This article may contain affiliate links. In a mobile dental clinic, the dentist and staff arrive at a facility where the patients are already located. VIDEO: Purevac® HVE System – Fluid Management. Fluoride: A Review on Use and Effects on Health. After ingestion, plasma fluoride reaches a peak within 20–60 minutes, followed by a rapid decline as a result of both uptake in calcified tissues and urine excretion. Retrieved from, Chi DL. Some of them include –. School water fluoridation accounts for 25-40% decrease in the incidence of dental caries among children. However, professional fluoride treatments use a high concentration of fluoride in the form of a gel, foam, or varnish. At the caregiver-level, 50.4 percent did not know what fluoride varnish was or provided an incorrect or incomplete response. Systemic fluoride usually has a global distribution in the form of community water fluoridation, salt, and milk fluoridation and dietary fluoride supplements. Fluoride is typically an ionic form of fluorine, which is a natural mineral found in water, air, and soil. A toxic dose for children and adults is 5 mg per 2.2 lbs of body weight; with a little math, you can see reaching a toxic or lethal dose would be very difficult.7 For instance, a child weighing 45 pounds would need to ingest 4 tubes of toothpaste to reach a lethal dose. Retrieved from, K. Rosin-Grget and I. Lincir Current Concept on the Anticaries Fluoride Mechanism of Action. The mode of action, as well as the delivery of systemic and topical fluoride, are quite different. Proper application technique reduces the possibility a patient will swallow the varnish during its application, and limits the total amount of fluoride swallowed as the varnish wears off the teeth over a period of hours.13 To reach a toxic dose of fluoride via topical fluoride varnish, a patient weighing 22 lbs (age 1-2 yrs) would have to ingest the entire dose from 5 varnish applications; the amount needed to cause a toxic dose increases as the weight of the patient increases. Systemic fluoride mainly helps in forming the tooth structure. (2012) pointed out in their conclusion, there is a “possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.” Such a conclusion can be considered an ecological fallacy, which can easily lead to misinterpretation of the results.”2 Naturally, this article did not go viral on social media, in the same manner as the first article. Letâs Find Out. Systemic fluoride has a continuous effect on the teeth throughout life, while topical fluoride acts only for a shorter duration of time. (1), Topical fluoride, as the name suggests, is used in direct contact with the tooth surface.
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