Featuring this classic sound—bell-like high end, punchy mids and robust low end, combined with crystal-clear articulation—the sonically flexible Player Stratocaster HSS … The inspiring sound of a Stratocaster is one of the foundations of Fender. On Reverb they can be had for around … The Player series Strats feature an scripted Fender “F” logo instead of a plain chrome neck plate. So, ideally, have your SSS Strat and add a HSS Strat to it. An HSS Strat makes for a wonderful addition to an SSS Strat. Real Deal Sound. This means a big … Fender MIM Stratocaster HSS. The HSS Stratocaster is very similar to the SSS version, with the exception of a Fender humbucker replacing the single-coil bridge pickup. I'm in the market for a new strat...and I had a chance to play the new Player Series Mexican Strat the other day, and I have to say, it was really nice. The only reason to go HSH is if you want to give up the most "valuable" sound that a Strat … If you look at the neck plate of the Standard Strat it should be blank, while the Player Strat … A view from the back of my Mexican Strat. Description: Official Fully Loaded Fender Player Plus Top HSS Stratocaster Body- complete with all hardware and pickups (modern 2 point synchronized tremolo with bent steel saddles and new Player …
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