hollowslayer greatsword vs lothric knight sword

the less time your locked into an attack animation, protection frames or not, the better. Doesn't Lothric holy sword have that one attack that shoots out a beam of light ? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. after discovering the sword i really kind of got bored with the game because i find it hard to want to use any other weapon. other greatswords leave you too open for too long if you miss an attack, and have too much recovery time after a one handed swing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Straight swords are also a good choice as a backup weapon. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Make it have hyper armor and block frames. However, I will point out that amongst the greatsword class, the Hollowslayer and Black Knight Great Swords are both pretty good for quality builds. Make it have hyper armor and block frames. Bestowed to a proper Mirrah knight long ago. Used it to beat the final boss of the series... It’s one of the best GS’s, one of the best weapons to use those materials, so go ahead upgrade it, The Lothric UGS I eventually replaced it with uses different materials. I’d rather use Astora GS because it works with dex/faith or dex/int really well. Lorian's greatsword or Lothric's holy sword. What is the best weapon to infuse with magic or best int scaling weapon in dark souls 3? i like this swords moveset so much i cant really ever get myself not to use it unless i go mage. Sunlight Straight Sword weapon moveset in Dark Souls 3, including Skill Weapon Arts and sample PvE combat. Otherwise your wide open to getting destroyed after that swing while you pick up your giant iron slab off the ground. Press J to jump to the feed. Here's a list of enemy types - look how many are classified as hollow. I recommen grabbing the Wolf Knight Greatsword along with it. In a recent statistical study, it was shown that only 9/10 people want to play DotA 2. I prefer still having some greatsword power, but also having high speed and power. Due to the knight's proximity to a bonfire, this is a very easy place to farm for the greatsword and the bonus it gives actually makes damage output higher than the stats say it is. The main contenders are: Hollowslayer Greatsword - available early, neat moveset, bonus damage to hollows (90% of the goddamn game) Twin Princes Greatsword - available after you beat the two Princes for the SECOND time. disagree, he should upgrade it but never switch. BKS, Claymore are equally good IMO. you just have a lot less vulnerability using it than other swords, and its light enough to use in one hand with a shield or two handed and works in literally all situations. i mean not the short sword. the versatility hollowslayers offers because it can be used like a long sword or a GS makes it amazing. theres no enemy in the game its moveset alone cannot handle. I like the Lothric Knight Sword just for the sake of liking its simplicity,plus extra critical damage. for a mage the moonlight is still another good option for the same reasons in terms of moveset but not damage; though without s-scaling and pure magic damage its not the same as hollowslayer. to me moveset > dps. those were badass but you basically had to cheat to infinitely repair them. My dude, let me tell you about the greatest greatsword that ever greated. So i really know what works. I personally like the Hollowslayer more, but they're probably about equal as far as how good they are. Really want to use Wolnir's for my faith build. its moveset is faster and less stamina hungry so its faster than the claymore and has a combination of movesets that works in literally any situation to break guard or quickly wipe out foes. This one was wielded by Lucatiel. The Lothric Knight Sword has been a reliable pick since the game first released, and for good reason. Fashizzle. 5 Hollowslayer Greatsword. Upgraded Hollow Slayer is still good in NG+ so it's worth upgrading, if you like the moveset. It shares a moveset with the Hollowslayer Greatsword, which already has one of the best greatsword … Great weapon in pve - 20% bonus damage to hollows. IMO its the most broken weapon in the entire game. Lothric Knight Greatsword guide with all stats, location, upgrades, lore, and tips. Related: Dungeons & Dragons 5e: How to Run a Dark Souls-Themed Campaign Your first encounter with the Lothric Knights is at the High Wall of Lothric, which just so happens to be the first area of the game you properly get to explore.You'll encounter a cluster of these Knights towards the end of this area in one of the game's first real challenges. Most enemies get the bonus, so even greatswords which swing slower and do more damage outright often end up doing less damage. you can use the thing to literally bash down shields with its stamina consumption rate and speed even if you didnt use that. Is it just me or does this weapon make Lothric Knight farming supremely easy? i think the sword is so broken its clearly the best weapon in the entire game. and even if other swords say they do more damage, they actually dont because most enemies in the game get the hollow bonus. Onyx blade is a bit longer, but the Hollowslayer doesn't require a buff for maximum damage Ultra Greatsword: My personal favorite is the Profaned Greatsword, but the Lothric Knight Greatsword can probably dish out a bit more damage and is otherwise very similar. I used a sharp one with dark moon blade. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. like the laser swords of the ivory king. A tiny message is inscribed on the blade, a … Also the two handed strikes are fast as lightning with that sword as well and nothing compares except maybe moonlight in 1 and 2, and the stabbing attack that sword has knocks shields right away just like a huge heavy greatsword would. Which one should i get? for instance, maxed hollowslayer does more damage to gael than maxed Artorias Greatsword with 99 in every stat. its liek a combo of claymore and something else. Yeah I think it does but does it give good damage well when someone used it on me it hits pretty hard Oh ok how's lorian's greatsword.. if you know you should be fighthing like UI goku and avoiding attacks then attacking like a hornet. Its pretty quick and seems really useful for finishing people off. Hollowslayer Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. for instance, maxed hollowslayer does more damage to gael than maxed Artorias Greatsword with 99 in every stat. It leaves you less open to attack, can break guard or straight on hit like a long sword.with a shield with little slowdown. Harbors the fears that lurk within the mind of Hollows, and is particularly effective against them. its all about rolling around and hitting more than you get hit. Mirrah Greatsword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2. but most of them you couldnt feasibly use unless you cheated. Tested and verified with 99 stats, maxed levels, hollowslayer W/ bonus does more damage to gael than artorius GS anti-dark bonus. It won't be doing too much damage by itself, but taking the time to build it can create a monster. Because of the limited upgrade materials I'd say use a normal weapon then at lothric castle when they're throwing materials at you go back to it. What is the minimum Strength requirement to be able to 2-hand a weapon without penalty? Pick this sword … Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. ... Ultra Greatswords: My personal favorite is the Profaned Greatsword, but the Lothric Knight Greatsword can probably dish out a bit more damage and is otherwise very similar.

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