And as the Scripture assures us of His sincerity, He of His truth and faithfulness in the accomplishment of His predictions and performance of His promises.I come now to the last thing I proposed, to make some use of this doctrine. 1. I. Often we purpose well, and resolve perfectly, but our practice is a cripple — execution of it is maimed and imperfect; but all His works are carved out and done just as He designed them, without the least alteration; and, if it had not been well, would He have thought on it so and resolved it beforehand? A God of faithfulness without injustice, righteous and upright is He. But, above all, He Himself in His own character is the Rock. "The Alps and Andes are but millions of atoms till thought combines them, and stamps on them the conception of the everlasting hills. It means that He will execute His whole law; that He will fulfil His word, and render to everyone according to his works. But it is specially to be remarked that to justice belongs the high character of the guardian attribute, both in relation to the glory of all that is Divine, and in reference to the rights and interests of created beings among one another. Of His sincerity, that He deals plainly with us and speaks what He intends, that His words are the image of His thoughts and a true representation of His mind. Hence it is that the Word of God is called the Word of truth, yea, and truth itself: "Thy Word is truth" (John 17:17). And the Scripture doth not only in general attribute this perfection to God, but doth more particularly assure us of His sincerity and truth and faithfulness. HIS COMMANDMENTS TO MEN PROVE IT. 3. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. If He have a hand in our work, yet these imperfect works are perfect in regard of Him; as we have a hand in His perfect works, yet His perfect works are imperfect in regard of us. A shadow from the heat (cf. It is also set forth here as the high well-spring of all dutiful submission, of all loyal-hearted allegiance, and of all uncorruptness in religion and piety. His penetrating and transcendently perfect inspection of moral good and evil (Isaiah 3:8; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Revelation 1:14). Let us think of the aspect and procedure of this great Judge against moral evil, by rejection, disapprobation, and vengeance.Application —. 1. Christ is like the Father, eternal (Revelation 1:11), unchangeable (Hebrews 13:8), all-powerful (Matthew 28:18), faithful (John 13:1; John 14:18-20), righteous (Revelation 19:11), wise (Isaiah 9:6). LET US THINK OF THE NATURE OF MORAL GOOD AND EVIL, AS FOUND IN CREATURE AGENTS, WHICH IS THE PROPER OBJECT OF JUSTICE. "who is a God like unto Thee, that pardoneth iniquity?" A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he. HIS DEALINGS WITH MEN SHOW IT. If God be a God of truth, then there is reason why we should believe whatever we are satisfied is revealed to us by God. In review of the things spoken on this subject, the glorious justice of Jehovah, it is of importance to notice the place which this excellency holds among the other perfections of Deity. His works are perfect in relation to the beginning and original of them — His own everlasting purpose. Oh, how imperfect are they! 3. He has a providential and redemptive plan, complete in all its details; having no need for after-thoughts, and not requiring reconstruction or amendment. perverse and crooked generation not his children, their spot - has become corrupt towards him, διέφθειραν πρὸς αὔτον οὐχ οἱυἱοι τὸ σύνολον, peccaverunt ei et non filii ejus in sordibus, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. 4. Loving God. "For all His ways are judgment," nothing being subject to caprice or arbitrariness. God is rock, in virtue of: 1. 1. 6. Single Sermons: In the Bearing. If once you question, you will quickly censure them. God and more of His inspired delays. The chief moral good and evil must be found in the dispositions and actions of the creature towards God Himself. 6. THE NATURE OF THIS GLORIOUS JUSTICE AND OF ITS EXERCISE RESPECTING GOOD AND EVIL. Isaiah 32:2). 1. He brought us out. It may be it is not perfect in itself — a blind eye is not so perfect as a seeing eye: nay, but in relation to the glory of His name, who hath a purpose to declare His power by restoring that sight, it is as perfect. In this view, justice must be contemplated as rising out of the very existence of Deity. II. Our God is a just God Deuteronomy 32:4 (NIV) He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. It is what the mind puts into the objects of its survey which makes them what they are. The first generation murmured against the Lord, and so He refused to allow any of these rebellious folk to enter the land He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as an everlasting inheritance. 3. his work is perfect; not so much the work of creation or of providence, which are both the works of Christ, but that of redemption and salvation, in which there is not only a display of all the divine perfections, but is complete in all its parts; the law is perfectly fulfilled, justice is fully satisfied, a perfect righteousness is wrought out, a complete pardon is procured, perfect peace is made, full atonement of sins obtained, and the whole work is finished; and is so perfect that nothing is wanting in it, or can be added to it, nor can it be unravelled or undone again: likewise the work of building the church on this rock is carrying on, and will be perfected when all the elect of God, all given to Christ and redeemed by his blood, shall be called by grace and gathered in; when the last of the chosen ones, and redeemed of the Lamb, is brought in and laid in the building; when Christ shall deliver up the kingdom to the Father complete, and God shall be all in all, and his church and people will be in a perfect state to all eternity: for all his ways are judgment; his ways, which he himself has taken and walked in; his ways of providence are according to the best judgment and highest wisdom, and according to the strictest justice and equity; his ways of grace towards the salvation of his people, and the building up his church on himself, the rock; all the methods he took in eternity and time were all formed according to the counsel of God, and planned with the greatest wisdom, founded in his righteous nature, and according to covenant compact with his Father, and entered into in the most honourable manner; and in which he brought about the salvation of his people, in perfect consistence with the justice and holiness of God, and to the honour of them and his holy law: and he has executed all his offices of prophet, priest, and King, in the most just and righteous manner: the ways which he has prescribed his people to walk in, and in which he leads them, are ways of truth, righteousness, and holiness; such are all his ordinances and commandments: a God of truth; so Christ is called; see Gill on Isaiah 65:16; or the true God, which also is his name, 1 John 5:20; and is so called in opposition to fictitious deities, and such who are only so by name or office, but not by nature; whereas he is truly and properly God, as appears from his names and nature, from his perfections, works, and worship, ascribed to him: or "God the truth" (l), for he is "the truth", John 14:6; the truth of all types, promises, and prophecies, which all have their accomplishment in him; the sum and substance of all truths and doctrines, from whom they all come, and in whom they all centre: or "the God of faith" or "faithfulness" (m); the object of faith, and the author and finisher of it; and who is faithful, as the God-man and Mediator, to him that appointed him, being intrusted with all the elect of God, with all promises and blessings of grace for them, with the fulness of grace to communicate unto them, with the glory of God in their salvation, and with their future and final happiness; and is faithful in the discharge of his offices of prophet, priest, and King: and without iniquity; in his nature, in his heart, in his lips, and in his life; nor was ever any committed by him: just and right is he; just, both as a divine Person, and as man and Mediator; a lover and doer of righteousness, a worker out of righteousness for his people, and the justifier of them by it; just and righteous, as the, servant of God, as King of saints, and Judge of the whole world; "right" or "upright", which is the character of a divine Person, agrees with Christ, and may denote his sincerity, uprightness, and faithfulness.
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