collagen, type i, alpha 2

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(1990) demonstrated somatic mosaicism for this mutation in the father of 2 children with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta (OI2; 166210), each from a different partner. Acad. In a patient with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta type II (OI2; 166210), Forlino et al. [PubMed: 6092353] At the age of 45 years, the patient had significant aortic and mitral valvular disease and had borderline dilatation of the root of the aorta. Arch. Characterization of a type I collagen alpha-2(I) glycine-586 to valine substitution in osteogenesis imperfecta type IV: detection of the mutation and prenatal diagnosis by a chemical cleavage method. The rapid detection of the OI mutation by the chemical cleavage method permitted application of the technique to prenatal diagnosis in the next pregnancy by chorion villus sampling. [PubMed: 8104634, related citations] [PubMed: 6267597, related citations] Because of a high level of heterozygosity, the use of this polymorphism in the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta by the linkage principle and in forensic applications was suggested. Severe (type III) osteogenesis imperfecta due to glycine substitutions in the central domain of the collagen triple helix. Ann. At 5 loci, of which the mother and father did not share alleles, the proband had inherited only the maternal allele. [PubMed: 6950413] The mother carried the same inversion. [PubMed: 1385413] Genet. In a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta of Sillence type III (259420), Pihlajaniemi et al. She showed bluish-gray sclerae and mild myopia. Sci. [PubMed: 8786074] Genet. Byers, P. H. 283: 4787-4798, 2008. Mutat. Am. 90: 621-628, 1993. Genet. [PubMed: 8786065, related citations] [PubMed: 3023615, related citations] Hum. Ann. 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